Tag Archives: david bach

Book Review: Smart Couples Finish Rich (Cdn Version) Part 7

26 May


Step 9 – Increase Income 10% in 9 weeks

Bach prescribes a “Proactive Income 9-Week Plan” outlining a step-by-step plan to increase your income by 10% in just 9 weeks. Each week breaks down the required positive actions to see this goal come to fruition.

Steps include:

Understanding your true hourly wage
Evolving from complaint mode to action mode
Writing down and posting your expectations as encouragement
Cleaning up both your office and home
Identifying the value you add to your company
Applying the 80/20 rule and maximizing this ratio
Evaluating your positions’ worth outside of your own company
Verbally practicing your request for a raise
And lastly, celebrating your success – be it through increasing your worth as an employee or even achieving the 10% increase this step by step plan envisions.

As I just received a raise less than 3 months ago and am in line for another in less than 2 months, I haven’t completed this plan – but – I have definitely jotted down a few notes to keep in mind for next year’s performance review. Overall, at the very least this chapter does a great job at amping up your self-confidence and work performance.

Previous: Part 6

Overall, Smart Couples Finish Rich truly outlines proactive money management for all couples, married or living together. The book provides a conclusive review of your current financial situation, solid investment advice, and easy-to-use tools to get started on your path to financial freedom.

David Bach is a spectacular motivational author, and I was grateful that he shared his strategies for living and finishing rich. All of the techniques highlighted were applicable and presented in a fresh and easy-to-understand manner. This book is a great read for couples on the precipice of merging their finances, be it at the forefront of marriage or a new chapter of a long-term relationship.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars


Now – down to the feedback… Personally, I felt I went way too deep in review – typical for those who know me :) But – this book really pulled a lot of weight for us right now as we are on the verge of becoming debt free.  I wanted to share exactly how we as a married couple were affected by the book’s sound advice, piece for piece. I tried to reread what I wrote (each Part) and couldn’t even finish without becoming bored myself on the longest post – haha.

As I am writing these for my readers out there, your opinion would be painstakingly appreciated. I’m aiming to cut down any further reviews to be short and sweet – but it’s going to take some practice I think – like packing for a trip; I can’t take everything with me :)  So – what lengths would you like to see (one-page, multiple short posts, full reviews like this one)? Give me a shout!

the Mrs.

Book Review: Smart Couples Finish Rich (Cdn Version) Part 6

24 May

Step 8 – 10 Biggest Financial Mistakes for Couples

1 – Having a 25-year Mortgage.

Strike 1 for my husband and I.

Bach does a great job in highlighting the differences between 25, 18, and 15-year mortgages. The main difference is reduced interest costs – potentially saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is long-term savings so although your pockets won’t get heavier (they’ll actually get lighter), this is a serious decision that even affects your anticipated retirement date.

My husband and I are actually up for renewal on our mortgage at the end of 2010. Through other readings I became aware of this simple slip-up, so Bach again drove the point home and we are definitely going to be changing this in our books.
[Update: Just sold our property; in the market for another mortgage and we’re aiming to purchase in 2 years. We will be regularly consulting with our financial advisor while mortgage shopping. What’s been great is that our advisor is rarely unaware of any financial tidbits we pick up (good thing I think).]

2 – Not taking credit card debt seriously.

Strike one and a half.

In both good and bad ways, my husband does not even own a credit card… As for me, while attending university/college and maintaining three jobs to pay for tuition, I indulged and rewarded myself on occasion. Unfortunately, these rewards have taken the toll and 3-years post-graduation I am still paying these off.

This is one of our goals in our marriage – to be (bad) debt free within the next five years. The sooner one addresses this mistake the faster and more stable your financial portfolio can progress.
[Update: Able to pay off all of our credit card debt with the sale of our property this year! Yay :)]

3 – Trying to get rich quick by day-trading.

The lesson emphasized here reinforces the knowledge that accumulating real wealth takes more than just months, or even years; it takes decades. Impatience runs rampant in most people hence pitches of quick earnings are truly tempting but painstakingly false promises. Bach relates day-trading (stocks) to gambling and presents eye-opening statistics that hit home and stay there.

We haven’t purchased a stock yet, so although this isn’t really applicable to us at the moment, Bach’s point was duly noted as we had a hard time disagreeing with this practice.

4 – Buying stocks on margin.

In simpler words – borrowing to gamble…

This follows one of our personal financial policies – if we can’t put the cash up front to make an investment, we can’t afford the loss if it fails. This also automatically places you in a grantee/debtor position and as Bach points out – if your financial advisor/broker is urging this practice find yourself a new one.

5 – Not starting an educational savings plan soon enough.

Strike 2 and a half.

Before this of course, Bach strongly advocates developing your Security Basket first. Without this, your children could graduate debt-free only to look forward to another financial burden of carrying their parents through retirement. I don’t think anyone would want this for their children.

My parents were never able to support me through my post-secondary education (I would even argue that it was for the better anyways), and while it was tough – I’m glad they didn’t. I learned how to be self-sustaining at a very young age and it has and will always continue to be an invaluable skill. I also learned the value of education – I had no life for these years, but when I graduated it was the greatest accomplishment of my life – and I knew I could expect the same out of every major life decision in front of me. I’m going to repeat this lesson with my children – there are so many bursaries/scholarships out there for those who will fight for their education. And while it will be a difficult task for our children to find the funds, I feel there are many more avenues of needed support that we can levy…

Bach notes that universities and colleges are expensive… and getting more so every year. I agreed with this statement as I remembered the strain of continually rising tuition as a student. For those who decide to support their children through educational savings, Bach reviews multiple investment options depending on how much time you have ahead of you, including Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP), Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG), and alternative Mutual Funds.

For an extensive listing of scholarships and other sources of financial support is the Scholarships Canada website.

6 – Not teaching your kids about money.

As we all know, unless you attend university in any field of finance and economics, you likely haven’t learned many of the basic economic principles that should be taught in high school. This is a very sad reality for most of us.

Canada needs a mandatory national standard for financial education, but until then everyone should recognize the need to educate our children about money. Bach recommends sharing your investment strategies with your kids on a regular basis. Don’t be afraid to share your financial successes and mistakes as well.  Kids are always interested in becoming rich so learning about money is actually quite a hit. Recent surveys show that the average child spends four and a half hours a day on electronics – even 10 minutes of that time each day will have an enormous impact on their lives furthering their knowledge of money.

My husband and I are avid supporters even though we haven’t had children yet. If there’s one thing we agree on about raising our future children, it encompasses educating our children in finance. We both have just learned the basic economic principles through our marriage of four and a half years – we hope to install whatever we learn into our children every day. Unfortunately, not so easy with Chuck Norris.

7. Neglecting to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Strike three.

Prenups outline who walks away with this vs. that.  According to Bach, those with substantial assets tend to approach this objectively before marriage. Bach also notes that more than half of all marriages end in divorce – wow – personally I prefer to think of it as almost half of marriages are successful.

Beside the downer key enforced through this noted mistake – a prenuptial agreement protects both sides in the marriage. My only disagreement lies in how would anyone know what your marriage (financially) will look like 50 years down the road? At least, that’s how far down we’re looking.

8. Not having a greater purpose beyond the two of you.

I found this “mistake” a well-rounded case. It’s so easy to get caught up in the routine of life, going to work, getting married, having children, etc… that it’s easy to convince ourselves that sometime down the road we’ll accomplish something big. Unfortunately, for most of us, that crash into reality could be the last push into a mid-life crisis, or even a divorce citing irreconcilable differences.

Bach notes that this greater purpose can be many things such as, a religious calling, a charity or even a community project.  Couples that dedicate their lives together to a greater purpose are generally the happiest and most fulfilled, building a solid relationship foundation.

My husband and I work on numerous projects – myself sometimes the team coach and administrator, my husband always stepping in as both director and supporter. If we didn’t have these dreams to work on, I really don’t know how we’d continue to grow together rather than separately.

9 – Not figuring out who’s responsible for what.

One of the biggest merges that occurs at the onset of marriage involves the finances. To have joint or individuals accounts…? Who will actually pay the bills and how will they be split? Even Bach describes his first marital argument over this very issue. And honestly speaking, this is one you don’t want to avoid tackling with your spouse. Bach offers general advice as there isn’t one schematic for every couple out there, including maintaining independent spending accounts for gifts and personal privacy; opening a joint account for household bills and even your security basket funds; and deciding who will pay for which bills to avoid missed payments.

B automatically handed over the financial reins the day we were married. He isn’t the type to track finances in any way so he was glad to relinquish that control. I accepted this role with pride and responsible determination. The trade-off included his awareness (I wasn’t going to curb our budget around his bad spending habits) and valuable opinions in every financial decision we approach (as I have quite the agenda set up for us).

So far this system has highlighted both advantages and disadvantages but we review, review, review… If we as individuals and in relationships evolve, why wouldn’t our financial strategies?

[Update: B has decided to drive for now – and I’m eager to take passenger seat. Diversity is good right?]

10 – Not getting professional financial advice.

Bach makes a solid point that the rich almost always use financial advisors. Why is it wise to rely on another professionals’ advice? Mainly due to time restraints – we don’t have the time to really dig into every piece of investment advice we stumble across (and there is a plethora of information floating around with today’s technology). And when you don’t have the time to actually perform, review, and monitor your investments, a professional advisor is great fit.

Mr. and  I went through three advisors to find the right one. Due to our initial lack of knowledge, networking and up-front cash to invest, getting the attention of a sound advisor was a difficult task. And when we started to see them slip through our fingers, we almost lost hope.

Through this search process, we actually became more and more aware of the impact of our finances and the world of investing. We did more research before we approached another advisor to ensure they met the needs we were bringing to the table.  We definitely don’t regret the process as it taught us invaluable insight – but I would highly recommend taking your time to research exactly what you’re getting into.

The more applicable knowledge you bring to the table, the easier your advisor can discuss your options, and most importantly, the more you will understand what your advisor has in mind for your financial platform.

Bach also presents the eight golden rules for hiring a financial advisor…

1 – Hire locally. You want someone that you can see in person and meet with at least once a year.

2 – Get a referral. Ask the wealthiest person you know; a referral is usually a foot in the door with a good advisor.

3 – Check out the advisor’s background. This should be practiced across the board for all professionals you will enter into a business contract with. Be wise and don’t assume your first advisor is your best friend.

4 – Be prepared. Have every pertinent document ready for review. If you’re not willing to expose your finances, you’re not ready to hire one.

5 – Know your advisor’s philosophy. Make sure they’re not a salesman and that they’re genuinely interested in an investment strategy that meets YOUR needs, and not their commission goal.

6 – Go with your gut. First impressions mean a lot. Mentally catalogue your impressions as you will probably know your final decision within the first meeting. This is a long-term relationship so don’t afraid to be picky (advisors actually use the same approach for their potential clients).

7 – Be prepared to pay for their services. Know how your advisor is being compensated and be sure this matches your expectations. There is quite a difference between commission and fee-based advice. Each are set up for different purposes, so be prepared for which direction you want to head in. Just remember, that paying a bigger fee does not guarantee better returns on your portfolio.

8 – No referral? Do your own research. Bach lists websites to help you find a financial advisor in your area as well as where to find background checks. Another bit of advice Bach notes is to find ways to say “thank you” when your advisor does a job well. Like any professional, relative, or friend, a simple “thank you” goes a long way…

As for our score, we hit 3 of 10 – not bad I must say – which goes to say that even though we’ve been proactively improving our financial foundation, there’s always something more to learn; we always find another tip or strategy with each new read!

What did you score out of ten? Do you have anything to add to or disagree with any of these practices?


Previous: Part 5

Coming next!

Step 9 – Increase Income 10% in 9 weeks

the Mrs.

Book Review: Smart Couples Finish Rich (Cdn Version) Part 5

21 May


Step 7 – Build Your Dream Basket

To most of us, letting our biggest dreams go is a part of growing up. Dreams are big, hence they usually cost big – and as many people realize that they don’t have the money to fund these dreams, they leave them as distant memories and “what ifs”…

Then there are others who continue to dream – and are willing to wager that there dreams will come true. Out of the countless lottery and gaming venues, you can spend only a dollar or two in the hopes of winning a jackpot – but is this really going to get you to your dream faster? Probably only for the few individuals that actually win…

Bach begins by helping the reader dream again. Along with your newly developed Retirement Basket and Security Basket, it’s time to have some fun and put together your Dream Basket… Following similar guidelines to the previous exercises, Bach encourages tackling your biggest dreams to make them come true.

Once you have identified your long lost hopes and dreams, Bach outlines how to bring these to reality using simple investing techniques based on how much time you have available to do so.

I really had a lot of fun with this chapter as most readers probably would. I was finally able to spell out what I would truly love to accomplish in my life – something I normally try not to think about due to my current finances; but letting these dreams collect dust doesn’t make me happy either.

Overall, the concept of the three essential baskets is sound advice; covering your retirement, security and dreams are very important. Bach gives great investment strategies to get all of your baskets full, but as an individual you must be disciplined in following through with the tasks you set out for yourself. Most of these techniques are lifetime decisions, so be ready to commit to something big. And if you are, then you’re already a step ahead of most of us.

I must admit this basket is going to be the most difficult to fill. Most of my dreams will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars let alone my husbands and our combined dreams would cost; so I’m skeptical as to whether or not I will actually be able to achieve them without robbing a bank first…

Here’s a few from our lists:

Learn how to fly a plane
Attend the New York Fashion Show
Have a hobby farm
Publish a book
Travel the world


Previous: Part 4

Coming next!

Step 8 – 10 Biggest Financial Mistakes for Couples

the Mrs.

Book Review: Smart Couples Finish Rich (Cdn Version) Part 4

18 May

Step 6 – Build Your Security Basket

The Security Basket as prescribed by Bach denotes exactly its name – protection versus the unexpected; as we all know that “stuff” always happens to our scheduled lives.

“Hope for the best and plan for the worst” is verbatim for this particular basket. So what kind of security would benefit both the individual and couple?

Bach highlights six safeguards that everyone should set up to achieve financial security:

Cash Cushion

Straight-up cash accessible within 24 hours for an emergency provides a comfortable cushion for anyone. Banking 3 months minimum of living expenses through an outside source from your local bank would be suffice. Minimum interest rates for any these accounts should start around two percent to cover inflation at the least.

Hubby and I are aiming for three months – this is what we decided is not paranoia yet. Running the numbers puts us at around $15,000 – very comfortable of course.  It’s interesting that this is probably the hardest security blanket in the basket for us as it’s just a large chunk of cash in waiting. We’re struggling between paying off bad debts and contributing to this fund.  We’ll be at the $5000 mark next month, so looks like we have another two years to build this? Better something than nothing… As our debt reduction snowballs this account will surely grow faster as well.

Will & Living Trust

We all must inevitably face the question “what happens when you die?”. Establishing a will and living trust answers this, unique to each owner while addressing important decisions when you leave this world.

Families deserve clear legal direction with your estate should you get terminally ill or we pray not both of you die simultaneously. Have an estate planning lawyer draft up your will for between $400 to $1,000 and a living trust between $1,000 and $2,500. While trusts are a bit more expensive they certainly prove worthy if avoiding probate.

Common mistakes to avoid when establishing a trust include not following it through (give yourself a deadline to complete), hiding relevant documents (give a copy to your lawyer and notify loved ones of access information), and not updating on a regular basis. Bach recommends updating both your will and trust at least every five years and at pivotal life changes such as having children. And why not check in with your parents as well?

We really don’t know where are parents are at with this. While we haven’t put these together yet either, our financial advisor did send us home with the information to start with. We’ve made a point to review it together but still need a lawyer to represent us. I think once we have these both established (deadline end of 2010), we can then turn to help both our parents’ progress objectively.

Life Insurance

Bottom-line: the sooner you jump on this bandwagon, the cheaper. Life Insurance is a protection plan that covers your dependants. When purchasing, ask yourself…

Who relies on our income right now?

In our situation, it’s just us – and Chuck Norris. Pretty simple and cheap for the time being – which is exactly why we took care of this right away.

What does a year cost for your dependent?

This is something our financial planner walked us through as it would have been overwhelming for us to put these numbers together.

Do you carry any large debts you would like taken care of?

Do your family a favour and have any outstanding bad debt taken care of – even covering funeral expenses takes a huge burden off those continuing on…

The last thing either of us wants is to leave our loved ones with additional financial stress in any form. We included our conducive loans (auto, mortgage, line of credit), but the smaller debt including credit cards are on the board to be paid off this year so we didn’t bother with these.

Do either of you have a company policy?

Understand what kind of coverage you have with your company if provided. A good review with your financial planner will highlight any additional coverage needed. Awareness is always your best support in these matters. Bach recommends taking a policy with a death benefit that totals between six and 20 times your annual spending needs.

This places us between $330,000 and $1,100,000; as our current policy stands at $400,000 each I think we are sufficiently covered until children come into the picture – until then we don’t really need all that much coverage.

As expected there are many types of life insurance available:

Term Insurance – annual renewable or level term

Permanent Insurance – whole life, universal life, or variable universal life

There’s no way I’m going to try to summarize the differences, so now that you have the terminology – Google it and do some research. We currently hold term and will eventually convert to permanent as established through numerous consultation meetings with our financial advisor. We feel both well informed and confident with our choice in life insurance as you should when choosing your own plan.

Here’s some further reading:


Disability Insurance

Everyone knows the story of Christopher Reeve or you should. Bach also highlights some scary statistics:

One out of every 88 homes will catch fire.

One out of every 70 cars will be in a serious accident.

Chances of becoming disabled are 9 to 11 times higher than both of these.

Why do we need disability insurance? Because losing your primary income seriously threatens anyone’s financial security.

Again – for more information check out Bach’s recommended websites and of course, talk to your financial advisor about your best fit:


This is another task on the to-do list for us. Once B is working full-time again, we can consider apportioning this expense into our budget. For the time being, we’ll be reviewing our needs and options with our financial guru who is also a strong advocate as his own father is a paraplegic. Unfortunately sometimes a close example becomes the motivation to be proactive with these issues.

Long-term Coverage Care

If you are over 60, this decision marks a higher priority.

As we are only in our first life quarter this does not apply for now. Our parents on the other hand, are approaching this life event in the next decade. Until then, I think more reading would be appropriate as Bach outlines critical questions when finally in the market for this coverage.


Yesterday: Part 3

Coming tomorrow up!

Step 7 – Build Your Dream Basket

the Mrs.

Book Review: Smart Couples Finish Rich (Cdn Version) Part 3

14 May


Step 3 – Plan Together… Win Together

Similar to the title, Bach reiterates the book’s main theme – failing to plan together is the same as planning to fail together.

Take control of and clean up your personal finances – Bach provides another great tool to establish an easy filing system to simplify the chaos.

Hubby and I followed Bach’s twelve folder outline and were able to fill ten. Separately we included monthly expenses, employment info, and relevant small business folders. Either way, we’re using the ten we could – simple layout and as we did it together we both remember where everything is…

Design your own purpose-focused financial plan following Bach’s simple guidelines:

Base your goals on your values

Match goals with partner

Put your top five goals in writing

Estimate your goals financially

Make specific goals with deadlines

Enlist help

Act on these goals within 48 hours

I really enjoyed this chapter because Bach finally gives direct statements and ardent coaching to finally propel us into action. Our biggest stumbling block lies in that we are currently living on only one income – so significant changes are happening very slowly but surely – staying positive right?

Step 4 – The Couples’ Latte Factor

Using small stories to demonstrate how society is designed to help you “latté” your future away Bach calls the reader to a seven-day financial challenge; and later reviews the miracle of compound interest.

Good to know that we weren’t insane to have already done this – in fact, we did a one-year challenge two years ago and haven’t turned back. It’s almost like spending some time under the hood of your car – the more you know the more control you wield.

Step 5 – Build Your Retirement Basket

Bach explains how to accumulate a million-dollar retirement nest egg; reviews the “crisis” facing the CPP; and details how to pay yourself first.

Many critical topics are highlighted such as Registered Pension Plans; saving ten percent of pretax income or save twenty and finish rich; “positive action” and tons more… Take your time with this chapter – a lot to absorb but very relevant and resourceful.

Bach also assertively coaches four reminders to finishing rich:

Know what your money is doing

Invest retirement money for growth

Maximize return while minimizing risk

Step 8 – 10 Biggest Financial Mistakes for Couples

We’ve made a goal to max out our RRSP contributions by May 2015. It’s going to be tough but we have a great financial investor whom we are confident will guide us through the changes. Now that we’ve been achieving some of the smaller goals we’re more-so eager to go bigger.

Read Part 2 Here

Coming tomorrow Monday!

Step 6 – Build Your Security Basket

the Mrs.