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A Prince Far Far Away

13 Sep

So the Mr. decided to take a job that would keep him away from me for nearly a month. That is IF he gets the okay to come home October-ish…

With all this ME-time I really am started to comprehend the old adage – Distance makes the heart grow fonder… Except it’s making me think naughty not nice???

Our phone calls are short as we’ve never really been the type to gab for hours… Then there’s the mountaineous weight of house duties that I have to pick up as we USED to share the burden. Oh and I forgot to mention that Billy G and Chuck Norris have decided to become obsessively needy and VOCAL to boot (especially when I’m talking on the phone of course!).

So instead of the room lighting up when I hear his voice on the other line, my patience has been wearing thin. His voice is just NOT good enough. I have no idea what he’s doing on the other end but it’s just not the same as our practise of spending 15 minutes of one-on-one time to catch up on our lives. Who needs to talk when you can say everything by lounging together and forgetting your day?

I’ve actually tried writing down summaries so that I can fill him in but that’s almost impossible between the multitude of chores and trips everyday. So scratch that. Plus I’ve only got about 6 seconds of his attention before I know he’s not fully *there* anymore.

I need something… Something that we can share – NOT over the phone – while he’s away. I hate this long distance crap. Time to do some research… I’m thinking games, pranks (yes!), notes, gifts. He’s (hopefully) coming home for a week sometime October so I have some time to cook something up. I want to send him out with a package – at least… Anyone else have some grand ideas?

And because I know someone will think of this – yes – the naughty photos are already included *wink. What wouldn’t a wifey do for her man???

the Mrs.