Tag Archives: nourish

A Week Apart…

21 Feb

It’s been over a week since my last post – I’m glad I’m back :) I’ve missed you dear blog.

My week has been so full – so maybe I’ll start by recapping.

Calgary trip with my three girlfriends was fabulous. We promised to do it again every year if we can. Aside from the frigid weather, I was still able to wear my peacock blue pumps and gold locket – those two alone were the chosen pieces for the weekend. Valentine’s was celebrated with three girls that I love to be around, a great reminder of the importance of friends while committed.

I shared my weekend stories with him, bubbling with excitement over my fantastic weekend with girls only… Hubby and I then had a conversation about our friendship slash marriage – surprisingly only to agree that we aren’t really buddies per say.  We agreed that we are lovers first, then confidantes and friends. We understand each other better than ourselves sometimes but that doesn’t necessarily make us best friends –

This makes friendship outside of one other a critical component of our marriage. Not that we can’t hang out together; in fact we do every day. But we didn’t marry one another for friendship; being very independent individually our union wouldn’t survive without breathing room. Having the space in our marriage for our own friends requires a higher level of respect, trust and of course a lot of open communication from both of our ends.

We trust each other to pick and maintain friendships that respect and inspire us, that build us up and not put a wedge between us, relationships that nourish us, encouraging us mentally and spiritually while away from one another… These “friends” that we commune with are actually an extended investment in our marriage for all of the positive attributes they encourage in us while apart, they honour our sanctity of marriage and thus are allowed into our circle of trust…

And so I blurted out honestly “If we weren’t lovers – would we be friends and hang out?” We both laughed and didn’t answer…

For the rest of the week I was putting together a baby shower for sister/roommate – she is having her first baby girl after being blessed with two male terrors. Personalized pink everything. I’m so glad it’s over. I lunge at these “first” experiences like a lion on a zebra’s ass, throw every creative juice I have in me to be unique, and never want to do it again. I can happily say I’ve gotten the “baby shower” out of me. I was able to bless my sister, have a tea party with a dozen close women and manage to pull it all off in three weeks and under $200.

Who knows if I will ever need a baby shower? If that day comes, I think I’d rather not – the idea of having a room full of women giving me gifts make me feel nervous. Never been one to accept any support easily – I find so much more happiness in giving and blessing those I love… My sister has been my practise for everything “baby”. I love being “Auntie” to my punk nephews – and I would be happy if it was always so.  Still sitting on the fence for this one, but thankfully it’s open-ended event – maybe I’ll love to be a mom when I become one…? Until then – Chuck Norris will be the most loved cat alive :)

Outside of those two events, I survived the death of Lee Alexander McQueen. Still in mourning but the NY Fall 2010 Fashion week has continued to  lift my spirits once again. I was there in spirit – one day hopefully in presence.

And to close off – I pray every marriage has found another reason to rejoice, another seven days under the belt!

the Mrs.