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365 days. 110 articles.

24 Feb

Marriage has, is and always will be such an interesting topic. It’s an institution; a lesson; an ideal; a pursuit; a promise.  It can be exciting, fresh and unpredictable yet still naïve in its youth, boring on occasion, and at times completely chaotic.

While matrimony can be paradise for some or prison for others, the only way to understand is to open its doors, enter it’s new and challenging world, and then survive on its founding oaths; both curse and blessing to those brave enough to domesticate it; marriage is truly NOT for the faint of heart.

In as few as five years, we have fallen together and stood back up. We have utterly failed one another and forgiven. We have found beauty in our sacrifices and rebuilt success with broken dreams. We have spoken our vows and depended on them when in need…

So why do we choose such a daunting lifetime commitment when the odds of surviving what we call marriage are against us?

When it all comes down to it – I think life, though sometimes difficult and unrewarding, is simply better when shared… And to be told its impossible or even naïve hope to believe in marriages that last a lifetime – well… to some of us – that is a challenge we are willing to accept.

This past year has been quite the curve for me, in both my marriage and my writing. In fact, they are both turning a corner once again. It’s kind of funny when you’re writing finally catches up with its original intent. Change is good…

In review and after a year of writing, it’s time to start anew and refocus. So THANK YOU for reading my thoughts and sharing yours with mine. MAO has been a blast.

To the next chapter in all of our lives… And may your marriages be blessed with each day shared!

Cheers with wine!

the Mrs.

P.S. I’m going to leave these posts up for a bit… I’ll procrastinate the cleaning for a little while.

Celebrating 100 Posts

7 Oct

It’s a privilege to say that :). Who knew there would be 100 reasons to write about marriage? And I feel like I’ve barely started…

So — looking forward to the next 100. And — here’s another video celebrating our shared world of coupledom.

Just The Way You AreBruno Mars

Cheers with Wine!

the Mrs.

Consider This

19 Sep

In the words of a married economist…

An interview with Tyler Cowen by Vivek Kaul briefly touched on marriage:

Why is delusion a secret to a good marriage?

From one point of view, marriage is an impossible undertaking.You have to believe it is going to work and going to last, no matter what.Then maybe it will.Without such a commitment, at some point you will stop cooperating. The simple truth is that each partner commits a great many wrongs over the course of a marriage, even under the best of circumstances.Resentments build up and problems persist.Marriage can still work, and be very rewarding (mine is!), but it requires an irrational degree of belief in the marriage itself.Only then can it become to some extent a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So is it delusion or blind faith? I’m hoping a lot of both.

What do you think?

During the hard times…

18 Sep

For those of us who have shared our struggles – perseverance has never been so rewarding

For The First Time by The Script

On a Happier Note…

6 Sep

Love this song/video…

I couldn’t even count the number of times I’ve fallen in and out of love with the Mr.! And every time – just in time…

Kickstarts by Example

Cheers and Enjoy!

the Mrs.